About Sunrex


"After decades of white-labeling watches for others, we decided it was time to create something for ourselves. Something cool. Something practical. Something born from experience. The watches we actually wanted to wear."



Sunrex was reborn from our own inspiration—and our own frustration. In a market that seemed to only offer extremes, we saw an opportunity.


On one end, there are the mass-produced timepieces that quickly lose their charm. On the other, luxury watches with price tags that feel out of reach.


We wanted to create a watch that blends the charm of vintage design with the dependability of modern technology—something that stands the test of time while calling back to a simpler one. A watch you’d reach for every day, not just on special occasions.


And so, our commitment is simple. Craft watches that make you fall in love with wearing a watch again, with designs that invite you to slow down, reminisce, and reconnect with a time when things were simpler.


Watches that keep perfect time with no need to be wound, charged, or have the battery changed.


Watches that look great without breaking the bank and that are built to last.

Every Sunrex watch is a nod to the days when craftsmanship was king, and quality meant something. We honor that past with a forward-thinking approach to create something that not only looks good but feels good to wear.


A watch you’ll feel inspired to wear day in, day out.


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